Workshop con Dominik Borucki - Napoli

L'IMPROVVISAZIONE COME FORMA D'ARTE INDIPENDENTE IN SCENA Sabato 10 e domenica 11 Dicembre, presso lo spazio ArtGarage diretto da Emma Cianchi, si svolgerà un interessante workshop con DOMINIK BORUCKI all'interno del programma Bunker sviluppato da Chiara Alborino e Fabrizio Varriale di Danza Flux. Cos'è l'improvvisazione per Dominik Borucki Improvisation: The Space of Sensations Everything, which we perceive in our consciousness, is based on sensations. We can even feel the activity of the mind. The whole body is organ of perception. This is what I call 'the space of sensations' or 'the sensitive space' 1. The space of sensations starts to open up if we relax the weight of our body (and of the mind) into the floor. The less resistances we put, the less tensions we will have, and the more we allow the gravity in our body the more sophisticated will be the sensations and the perception will be sharpened. In the sensitive space everythi...